Monday, March 24, 2014

The Nobody

  Well what can I say about myself. I am not really the talking type of person. I am really quite shy and not that social. I mean once you get to know me I am completely different but as for now I am still that one kid that no one talks to in class.... Well as for my creative side I love bright colors and I LOVE to draw and play Pokémon even though I am not that good at either.... Well I started drawing and stuff about 3 years ago thanks to a good friend of mine that reminded me that even though it may not start off looking as you want practice helps. I've been drawing ever since. As for writing I am just getting the hang of it... I started off hating writing I am not going to say I've got use to it just yet but I am on my way.... well that's all about me so far....
                                                                             ~yours truly,
                                                                                           The nobody

The Hero

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles"
                                           -Christopher Reeves
   I agree and disagree with this quote. The reason I disagree is because everyone in life deals with and over comes obstacles in there life's. But that does not make everyone a hero. A Hero to me is someone who has courage and who can make someone feel better even when they cant make themselves feel better. A Hero is someone who can deal with the ups and downs of life and still is  able to wake up the next morning ready to deal with the same thing over and over again without cracking.

  I don't really have a hero. I have people that mean a lot to me but I don't really consider them to be my night in shinning armor ya know. I mean there are people in my life that do a lot for me but I don't know I just would not call them my hero.
                                          ~The thoughts of a nobody